Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining is a manufacturing process in which the computer software controls the movement of the cutter. It is especially important for manufacturing tools for the medical industry in order to successfully have a positive impact on people’s lives. CNC machines are able to fabricate small medical components with precision utilizing CNC machining to manufacture lifesaving medical devices. Sheldon Precision is dedicated to the importance of delivering accurate and quality machining. Each CNC process is monitored by a trained expert to monitor the manufacturing of the worlds smallest medical components.
- Some of the manufactured medical components include:
Bone screws
Surgical tools
Respirator components
Hose barbs
Brass inserts
Precision shafts
Sheldon Precision is able to manufacture complex materials with accuracy. Manufacturing these components require sophisticated machining to create tight-tolerance features on these parts. At Sheldon Precision, we are dependable at delivering quality components that meet your expectations.