New Heights – Precision Swiss Screw Machined Components Meet High Standards of Aerospace Applications

The aerospace industry has come a long way since the Wright brothers built their first aircraft with wood, fabric and wire. Today’s aerospace components require absolute precision with the tightest tolerances of any industry – and no room for error. 

Safety, of course, is the most important factor in the design and manufacture of aerospace parts, as the consequences of component failure could be devastating. Critical components in engines, turbines, landing gear and other systems must meet the challenging demands for the highest accuracy and reliability.

These high standards are among the many reasons more professionals in the aerospace industry have recognized the benefits of Swiss screw machining. For civil, commercial and military aircraft components, Swiss screw technology not only delivers necessary accuracy and reliability, it also provides a number of added benefits for aerospace manufacturers.

Accuracy and superior tolerances – Swiss screw technology provides better support for all stock material because the part moves while the tooling is stationary. The result is reduced risk of the support material moving for precision accuracy. Swiss style tools also use a process called guide bushing which enhances rigidity, thus producing higher tolerances.

Complex part geometries – With up to 6-axis machining capabilities, Swiss screw machines can produce complex, intricate parts faster and with extraordinary precision. In the 6-axis technology, an additional rotation around the Z axis results in faster cut times. Swiss screw machining offers positioning for component feature contouring that might otherwise have to be machined separately.

Enhanced productivity – As aerospace manufacturers are consistently on the cutting edge of production practices and technologies, Swiss screw machining keeps the pace. The technology is all about speed and accuracy as the machines can make complex parts using simultaneous operations – three or four tools can cut at the same time, for unmatched efficiency. The technology is a great advantage for aerospace manufacturing, offering repeatability and consistency in the production of end-use components as well as quick turnaround for prototypes.

The right materials – Swiss screw machining is ideal for high strength, structural aerospace components made with materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, titanium and a range of alloys.

For more than 50 years, Sheldon Precision has been a leader in Swiss screw machine technology. As an independent manufacturer, we can produce the most challenging and complex Swiss screw machine components for your aerospace applications according to the strictest process control rules.

For more information on how we can help with your aerospace components, contact Sheldon Precision today.